Sunday, March 8, 2009

Month of Savings - Day 7

This is a bit late, but I did not want to skip day seven. My reason - I was a little under the weather. The savings part of that was I had some over the counter medicines in my pantry. Now I was not sick when they were purchased on sale at CVS, Rite Aid or maybe Walgreens. I knew that the odds were excellent either I or someone I knew would get sick.

Yesterday it was much nicer to go to the pantry in my PJ's and pull out some medicine rather than get dressed and drive the 20 minutes into town. I also try to keep the pantry stocked with some "I don't feel well foods" such as soup, Gatorade, and crackers.

My stocking up had a double good effect as DH came home with a cold sore last night. I had a package of the Oral B overnight cold sore patches. He was able to wake up feeling a little better without having to wait until we could buy something for it.

I try to only buy items that I know I will use or can giveaway to someone. Stocking up on children's cough syrup would be silly since we have no children in the house. A good medicine or sick foods stockpile can be a sanity saver when you are not feeling your best. It makes good money sense to stock up when items are on sale before you need them rather than paying full price when you run out to the first store that is open regardless of the price.

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