Monday, August 18, 2014

To-Do List

I enjoy reading others' to-do lists and decided I needed to start writing down one of my own.  I already have a daily chore list to help me stay on track with everyday cleaning and chores.  This list will be more for larger, ever changing goals.  I am setting up three areas to work on:  home, cooking, and crafts.  I plan to list at most three items that I want to complete.  If I do more great, I just want to keep the list reasonable.  Here goes...

  1. Clean off deck
  2. Clean around fish pond
  3. Take pictures and measurements of items to list on eBay
  1. Make spaghetti pies to freeze.
  2. Make yogurt.
  1. Crochet 5 wash cloths
  2. Work on Christmas cards
  3. Sand wood pieces for one matching game


terricheney said...

Spaghetti Pies...Is that your poor man's lasagna that tastes so very very good? I should make up some spaghetti sauce and put up a couple of these pies. My niece is expecting in October and it would be a help to her to have a ready meal or two or three, I think. This pie would be a great dish for her.

Dawn said...

Yes, spaghetti pies and poor man's lasagna are one and the same. Freezer meals are a wonderful gift for a new mom.