Friday, September 13, 2019

Feathered Friday - Peachicks

I have been working every day to tame our two little peachicks.  One is more tame than the other.  At this stage it is impossible to tell if we have baby peahens or baby peacocks.  

I discovered early on that the two littles loved for someone to talk to them.  They are more used to W and me since we are around them all of the time.  Of course tossing out a bit of feed at my feet helps bring them in closer.  Mama peahen gives a gentle reminder not to get too close by clucking at them.  Even she ventures close to me though.

Hopefully in time they will come right up to me and eat out of my hand.  It is a slow process and best done with the youngest animals.  Kindness and taking time with any animal goes a long way though.

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