Monday, January 13, 2020

Goals Update Week 2

1.  Save all of our Change (coins) for the Year

More coins were added to the jar this week.  I decided to wait and do one total at the end of the year. I think it will be more of a big reveal that doing a monthly total. 

2.  Plan Ahead for My Business

I am excited to have already met my earnings goal for the month.  I know that will not happen so early every month, but I am hoping that it balances out over the year.  This week I am going to finish up at least three orders, make more things for the shop, and add flamingo cup cozies to my Etsy shop.  I want to do two more colors and wait for the sun to show up for pictures.

Another lady in the shop is offering candles and bath items.  I approached her about cross marketing some of her items with some handmade cotton spa items of mine - soap saver, facial rounds, and spa slippers.  I hope it will benefit us both.

3.  Get Back to Basics

  • We ate mainly from the pantry, and I focused on eating the leftovers.
  • I foraged clover and other greens for the rabbits to eat.  I also picked some extras for the chickens.
  • I watched the weather forecast so I could keep up with line drying laundry.
  • I won a grape leaf ornament in an online instant win game. I plan to use it as a ring holder.  Wins are fewer lately but still fun. It only costs a few minutes of my time.  It is much nicer than the picture appears.  Cloudy days are awful for photos.

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