Saturday, January 4, 2020

January Pantry Challenge

I am joining in on the pantry challenge organized by Jessica at Good Cheap Eats.  I love that she does not set any "do this or don't join" rules.  I know I will need to do some grocery shopping for fresh fruits/vegetables and coffee creamer.  Here are my goals for this pantry challenge...

1.  Eat up the Odds and Ends in the Pantry/Freezer
I have some things that keep getting pushed to the back.  I have no intention of having a completely empty pantry.  I live too far out in the country for that.  A more organized pantry would be great.

2.  Save Some of the Grocery Budget
I ordered garden seeds earlier in the week and plan to use the grocery savings to pay for them. 

3.  Focus on Minimal Food Waste
I rarely just throw out food and if I do it is thrown out to the chickens or turkeys.  I want to do better with making sure we eat everything we can.  Although I will still save some end pieces of bread to feed Frank the turkey who will finally eat out of my hand.

4. Post What We Eat in a Weekly Roundup

Anyone else doing a pantry challenge to start the new year?

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