Friday, March 28, 2014

Feathered Friday

While we were on Peaches to Beaches, W found some chickens.  The first time by he was not certain he wanted them.  On the way home, we shopped back by the seller’s booth.  W decided if the chickens were still there he was meant to have them.  The chickens were still there and came home with us.


These two chickens are show chickens (fancy), and they seem to know it.  The seller said they are Sparkle chickens.  Since they are fancy, I decided they needed fancy names.  I would like to introduce William and Kate.


(Don’t you love the rooster photobombing in the corner?)


We had a small hen who needed some friends.  W moved Cher (left)  in with William and Kate.  Kate and Cher became fast friends.


1 comment:

Helena said...

They are beautiful!! Are they smaller than your other ones? How many varieties have you got now?