Tuesday, April 1, 2014

April Goals

It is hard to believe that April is here already.  This year is flying by.  March was good overall goal-wise.  I did better with eating fruit except for the week I was sick.  I made a huge dent in the magazines.  I got some work done in the yard/garden but not as much as I had hoped.  The weather was still cool, rainy, and windy.  Now it is time to look at my goals for April.

I keep changing the areas I want to work on, but I think I will settle on home, finances, and personal.  For the home I want to finish decluttering the magazines and clean out the outside storage building (a huge mess).  In the financial part I need to pay the taxes and set up a plan for where my monthly church cleaning check will go.  The main "Life Happens" accounts are funded, but we have some smaller savings accounts I hope to build up.  In the personal area I am a bit undecided.  I am leaning toward getting a scheduled exercise routine. 

1.  Clean out magazines and clean outside storage building.
2.  Work on funding smaller "Life Happens" accounts.
3.  Exercise at least 3 times per week.

Do you have any goals for this month?

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