Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Grocery Spending and Homemade Crackers

Yesterday I went shopping and stuck to my own rules with the addition of buying two items for parties.  I was not sure that I saved money when I first saw the total.  Then I reminded myself that this would last about two weeks.  First up what I purchased.


Half & half (for homemade ice cream  but follows the rules)


Sour cream




Grape tomatoes




Hazelnut spread (party)

Frozen lemonade concentrate (party)


I spent $39.86.  The half and half will make two batches of ice cream.  The buttermilk will last a month.  It will be used along with the sour cream for making ranch dressing.  The cheese will make several pizzas and provide some snacks for W.  The fruit and lettuce will likely not last the entire two weeks, but I will stretch it as far as I can.


Now for the homemade crackers – I wanted crackers, and we did not have any.  On the pantry challenge wanting crackers was not a need so I am not buying any.  I knew that there was a recipe on The Prudent Homemaker website.  I chose to try the saltine crackers.  I think I need to roll them a little thinner before baking them, but they are delicious. 



These were so quick and easy to make.  I would happily make them even after the pantry challenge is over.  I am looking forward to trying out the wheat cracker recipe next.  It is amazing what can be done given the motivation or desire for something.

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