Saturday, May 2, 2015

Impromptu Pantry Challenge

I decided yesterday that I needed to do a pantry challenge.  It was a spur of the moment decision.  My plan is to limit my grocery spending for the month of May to $60.  I will share what we eat and buy this month.  Check back each Saturday for an update.

I will start with what we ate the first two days.

Friday - Breakfast was eggs and toast for W, and nothing for me.  Lunch was egg salad in homemade Pita pockets with chips and fruit salad.  We ate a late lunch and skipped supper.

Saturday - W takes a packed lunch to work.  He had grits, popcorn, carrots with homemade ranch, clementines, almonds, and cake.  (Not balanced, but it is what he wants.)  I ate cake, buffalo chicken mac and cheese, and a fish sandwich.  Not healthy, but we all have those days.  I am keeping it real though.

I would like to say that I have a grand plan for the month's meals.  That is not true.  I do know we have more than enough food to make it through the month.  I expect to buy some produce and hopefully not much else.

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