Monday, May 4, 2015

Weekly Savings

I cooked all of our meals at home again.  That made me realize we had piles of food, which made me decide to do a pantry challenge. 

I signed up for a free herbalism mini-course from Vintage Remedies.  It is self-paced.  It is very interesting, and I am learning quite a bit. 

I picked strawberries at my parents' house twice.  They are just starting to bear, but I got enough to make a batch of strawberry popsicles. 

I also picked several cucumbers from the greenhouse cucumber plant.  I started some oregano and marjoram seeds in the greenhouse rather than buy plants.  They have grown well and will be ready to plant in pots soon.  A tomato plant branch broke a couple of weeks ago while I was trying to wrangle the limbs.  I put it in water and before long it was covered in roots.  I planted it in one of the raised beds, and it looks great now.  It also has several little tomatoes on it.

While at the grocery store I looked through the bags of marked down bananas.  I have learned that these are not always overripe bananas.  People often pull off one or two bananas from a bunch and leave those behind.  My grocery store bags these up and sells them for half-price. 

I used rags to clean with rather than paper towels.  I have enough that I can go a couple of weeks before washing them. 

I refilled a foaming soap container.  I think foaming soap means less waste.  All it takes is a few squeezes of soap and some warm water.  It makes the liquid soap go much further. 

It was a very quiet week here, and those are the highlights.  I did no extra shopping and talked myself out of a few purchases.  I am trying to do some spring cleaning/decluttering.  It is good motivation to not buy more stuff and work to make do with what I have.

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