Saturday, June 2, 2018

Weekend Book Reviews

Vegetables Love Flowers by Lisa Mason Ziegler focuses on "companion planting for beauty and bounty".  I already add flowers to my garden to repel some bugs and attract pollinators.  I was inspired to expand the flower portion of my garden by this book.  My favorite part was the cut flower arrangements using simple flowers such as zinnias and celosia.  Another major bonus was the seasonal garden layouts combining vegetables and flowers. The author gives good information on companion flowers and herbs including growing tips, visitors to expect, and harvesting tips.  This is a wonderful book for any gardener.

Whitney Bowe's The Beauty of Dirty Skin shares with readers how what we eat plays a large part in the health of skin.  The author explains the science behind skin problems and how prescriptions are not necessarily the answer.  I appreciated have a plan laid out for a more natural way to care for my skin.  The medical side of the book can be a bit deep but not overwhelming.  The author provides a straightforward three week plan for better skin from the inside out.

Death of a Cookbook Author by Lee Hollis is the tenth book in the Haley Powell Mystery series.  Haley is invited by cookbook author and tv star Penelope Janice to participate in a 4th of July potluck.  She feels in over her head when she ends up with food poisoning and overhears a murder being planned.  Things take a confusing turn when one of the murder planners is found dead.  Then Haley finds herself being targeted.  I have read previous books in the series, but it is not necessary to enjoy this one.  The characters and setting of this book are fun.  Haley is a perfectly imperfect cozy mystery heroine. 

disclosure:  I received these e-books through NetGalley but was not otherwise compensated for these reviews.  All opinions are my own!

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