Monday, June 18, 2018

Weekly Goals Update: Week 24

1.  Disaster Preparedness
Week 24 is back to water preparedness.  I am still looking for a good, reliable way to store our drinking water.  I have containers that are suitable for the animals.  I do have ways to store water for a few weeks which is helpful for winter when we have freezing temperatures or when we know a hurricane/tropical storm is coming.  It is not so helpful if we have a surprise emergency.

2.  Makeover the Garden
Due to all of the rain and Toby's surgery, I spent very little time in the garden this past week.  I do hope to see enough sunshine to do some weeding and take photos for a garden post.

3.  Organize Recipes
I seriously need to spend another hour on this goal.  I want to work on my notebooks.  I need to add in some recipes that I use all of the time. I also need to go through recipes that I have torn out of magazines and toss the ones I am never really going to make.

4.  Have 13 No Spend Grocery Weeks
I skipped the grocery stores again this week.  My no spend grocery week total is up to seven now!  I will need to pick up a few groceries this week though.

5.  Focus on Saving
This week savings came from eating what we had.  That meant mainly eating vegetables from the garden.

6.  Etsy Store
I took some time to do some crocheting this week.  I plan to do more and am absolutely going to open my store this week.

1 comment:

terricheney said...

We lost power for 12 hours starting last night and I was sort of caught out where water is concerned. The 'hurricane' water we'd bought back in September had started to spring leaks in the jugs. Isaac kept pulling out the PETE free juice bottles I'd saved and I was fearful he was going to hurt himself or flood the kitchen, so I let those go. We hadn't filled water bottles for the fridge either. I was not in the least happy with myself this morning to realize that we had one drinkable gallon that had remained in the pantry (thankfully not leaking) and little water in the rain buckets to use to flush toilets. I want a real honest to goodness rain barrel system to have here that is safe with toddlers/smalls running about, as well as a good stock of regularly rotated water to use.