Monday, October 11, 2010

Book Swapping

I love to read. I easily have enough books to last me years, but I still cannot resist a catchy title or interesting cover. My local library does not have most of the books I want to read. A few I find I want to keep, but with most I read them and am done. I use PaperBack Swap to trade books (hardcover and paperback). I have been very pleased with this service.

Recently I have finished two books. The first is Baby Not On Board, which is all about being childless. It was more humorous and sarcastic than anything. It was a fun, quick read. It is currently packaged up waiting to be mailed tomorrow.

Next is The Boy Who Loved Tornadoes about a mother's struggle to find appropriate care for her mentally disabled son. I was not sure I could relate to the book, but it is a touching story. I thoroughly enjoyed the book.

While this should free up two books' worth of space on my shelves, it does not really. I am waiting for two more books that I requested to arrive. I am on a reading merry-go-round, and I do not want to get off.

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