Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I mentioned on ThriftyHomemakers today that I would share my bartering experience. My neighbors' computer tore up last week, and I told them it was a bad power supply. I mentioned that I had just replaced one for my parents and could fix theirs if they wanted. I ordered the part, which arrived yesterday. It took just a few minutes to remove the old one and put in the new one.

They reimbursed me for the part and mentioned paying me something for my time. I said it only took a few minutes, but they insisted I get something for my time. The husband asked if I liked vegetables, and I said absolutely. His wife took me into their roadside store and gave me the vegetables you see above. They were happy to have a working computer, and I was happy with my fresh produce. I expect that this was cheaper for them than taking it to the professionals too.

Does anyone else have a bartering experience to share? I am thinking this would be very useful given the current economic situation.

1 comment:

flmom said...

Yes, this would definitely be helpful in the current economy - good for you! We have bartered in the past (things like hubby helping with plumbing projects and such and in return we've gotten free haircuts, etc.).