Thursday, May 9, 2019

In the Garden

I have been working away in the garden, but I still have a ways to go before it is finished.  It looks better and better each day.

My bay tree is now two years old and has grown well.  It is nice to have fresh bay leaves to use in recipes.

We had a fairly mild winter here this year.  I have learned unless it gets very, very cold many pepper plants will sprout back out.  It gives me a stronger plant that begins producing earlier. This bell pepper plant is one example.  It already has several good size peppers.

I dug up some very small pepper plants last fall and put them into pots/containers.  They took off and are producing piles of peppers now.  All of the plants ended up being poblano peppers. I have been cooking with them and plan to buy some tomatillos and make salsa using these peppers. 

Popcorn!  Corn is a popular crop in my area and is easy to purchase from local farmers..  I decided to grow some popcorn this year which is more of a novelty.  I admit to being very excited to be able to eat some popcorn that I grew myself.  On the side is a fig tree that had been rooted.  I thought it died so imagine my surprise to see it growing strong.  I finally picked out a spot to plant it in the yard.  This is a different variety than the fig trees we are currently growing.

This bed is a mix of sunflowers, tomatoes, peppers, and borage. Unfortunately something (chicken, squirrel,??) keeps digging in it.  I need to cover it with some netting to prevent that.

Last year I grew yellow pear tomatoes in this flower pot.  When I went to clean it out earlier this year I discovered a couple of plants growing from seed that had fallen.  Now those plants are strong and blooming.  I have just been adding some dirt to the pot as the plants grow.

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