Monday, May 25, 2009

Weekly Garden Update

It rained too much last week to get good pictures of the garden. It has really grown since my last update. Here are a few highlights:

This is one of the many watermelons we have growing. Dh got the seeds from a watermelon last year so they were free. If these do well, I will save some seeds for next year's garden. You cannot get more frugal than that.

The Celebrity tomato plants in buckets are doing well like this one. The ones in the ground not so much. I can see we will have to add in some raised beds next season.

Here are some Roma tomatoes. This is a small plant, but it is loaded.

The corn stalks have started to put on tiny ears of popcorn.

The squash has been producing like crazy. We are eating them at almost every meal. Our favorite way is sliced and fried. Taking something healthy and deep frying it is a Southern tradition.

We used T posts and fencing for the cucumbers to run up on. This lessens the chance that we will miss them so that they turn into monsters. A few monsters are okay since they go into my homemade sweet relish.

1 comment:

Susan in SC said...

beautiful garden. It looks like you will have a bumper crop this year of produce!
