1. Disaster Preparedness
Week 17 was all about water preparedness. That is a concern living in the country when we depend on electricity to power the well. I do have water filtration straws, but I need to think seriously about a water storage system. I need to research the best system for saving water. Any input? The frugal side of me hates to think about paying for water.
2. Makeover the Garden
The second herb bed is in. I have noticed many of the pepper and tomato seeds sprouting. I have been continuing to pull weeds a little at a time. I am determined to have a mostly nice garden with few weeds. Toby loves playing and helping so this gives me a way to stay busy and keep an eye on him. I am excited to try sprouting some guava seeds after W brought home guavas from the farmer's market.
3. Organize Recipes
Once again I ignored this goal. The weather will change, and I will need an indoor activity.
4. Have 13 No Spend Grocery Weeks
I have completed four of these so far this year. While I have a reason to go to town each week I have been picking up a few sale items. I know once the garden is producing I will get my grocery trips down to once or twice a month at most.
5. Focus on Saving
I made a menu focused on foods on hand. We ended up eating more leftovers so I will be shifting those meals to this week. I worked on the reward sites. I have kept the focus on making do with what I have.
6. Have Fun
I did spend $1 on a two week trial of Craftsy Unlimited. I have been binge watching lessons ranging from cooking to baking to crochet. I have one week of my trial left so I am expecting that to be my fun for the coming week as well.
Monday, April 30, 2018
Sunday, April 29, 2018
Weekend Book Reviews

disclosure: I received these e-books through NetGalley but was not otherwise compensated for these reviews. All opinions are my own!
Friday, April 27, 2018
Frugal Friday: Five Frugal Things
1. I combined a private computer lesson with other errands to make just one trip into town. I plan to do the same thing next week
2. We ate salad several times this week with lettuce from the garden. Not only was it free, but I also had no worried about a lettuce recall.
3. I traded some excess corn syrup for cereal and vegetable soup base.
4. I removed the mum plants from my front porch planters and put them in separate pots to save for autumn. I will have plenty of plants at no cost. I moved the dusty miller plants to the back of the planter and will plant seeds for shorter colorful flowers for spring/summer.
5. I did the usual money saving things: cooked at home and used up the leftovers, hung clothes out to dry, and fed rabbits and chickens greens from the yard/garden.
2. We ate salad several times this week with lettuce from the garden. Not only was it free, but I also had no worried about a lettuce recall.
3. I traded some excess corn syrup for cereal and vegetable soup base.
4. I removed the mum plants from my front porch planters and put them in separate pots to save for autumn. I will have plenty of plants at no cost. I moved the dusty miller plants to the back of the planter and will plant seeds for shorter colorful flowers for spring/summer.
5. I did the usual money saving things: cooked at home and used up the leftovers, hung clothes out to dry, and fed rabbits and chickens greens from the yard/garden.
Monday, April 23, 2018
Weekly Goals Update: Weeks 15 & 16
1. Disaster Preparedness
Week 15 was more medical supplies. Week 16 was survival tools. I feel pretty good about the items for both weeks. I do not think it is possible to always have everything for every situation. If I can hit the high points, I am happy.
2. Makeover the Garden
I have two raised beds filled and planted with either seeds or plants. I still need a second herb bed. We have all of the materials for building it. I also have a final raised bed to fill. I hope to get a garden tour post up later this week.
3. Organize Recipes
I have been too busy outside to work on this.
4. Have 13 No Spend Grocery Weeks
With our current situation I expect to get this and then some. I added one no spend week during week 15 which brings my total to four. I had a very low spend week last week as I only purchased a bag of potatoes. I will have to do some shopping this week though. I am out of flour (all-purpose and bread). Both are definite needs. My plan is to buy what I need for the next couple of weeks and skip going into town next week.
5. Focus on Saving
I am continuing to look for more ways to save and ways to bring in some extra money. I have cut some unnecessary expenses to help our money go a little further. This past week our focus was on eating up leftovers. Right now very little food goes to waste. Vegetable scraps go to the chickens/rabbits or into the compost bin.
6. Have Fun
I can honestly say that most of the past few weeks has not been fun. Toward the end of week 16 I started to feel like things will be okay. I have had fun working on ideas for my Etsy shop. I am planning to add things in stages. While recent events have been a bit scary, I am excited that W and I are both pursuing something we really love.
Week 15 was more medical supplies. Week 16 was survival tools. I feel pretty good about the items for both weeks. I do not think it is possible to always have everything for every situation. If I can hit the high points, I am happy.
2. Makeover the Garden
I have two raised beds filled and planted with either seeds or plants. I still need a second herb bed. We have all of the materials for building it. I also have a final raised bed to fill. I hope to get a garden tour post up later this week.
3. Organize Recipes
I have been too busy outside to work on this.
4. Have 13 No Spend Grocery Weeks
With our current situation I expect to get this and then some. I added one no spend week during week 15 which brings my total to four. I had a very low spend week last week as I only purchased a bag of potatoes. I will have to do some shopping this week though. I am out of flour (all-purpose and bread). Both are definite needs. My plan is to buy what I need for the next couple of weeks and skip going into town next week.
5. Focus on Saving
I am continuing to look for more ways to save and ways to bring in some extra money. I have cut some unnecessary expenses to help our money go a little further. This past week our focus was on eating up leftovers. Right now very little food goes to waste. Vegetable scraps go to the chickens/rabbits or into the compost bin.
6. Have Fun
I can honestly say that most of the past few weeks has not been fun. Toward the end of week 16 I started to feel like things will be okay. I have had fun working on ideas for my Etsy shop. I am planning to add things in stages. While recent events have been a bit scary, I am excited that W and I are both pursuing something we really love.
Sunday, April 22, 2018
Weekend Book Reviews

disclosure: I received these e-books through NetGalley but was not otherwise compensated for these reviews. All opinions are my own!
Saturday, April 21, 2018
Weekend Book Reviews

Til Death Do Us Party by Vicki Fee is the fourth book in the Liv and Di in Dixie Mystery series. Liv is on vacation in Las Vegas along with her husband, in-laws, and friend Di and her boyfriend for her mama's wedding. The trip is going well for the most part until the actual wedding when the Elvis minister dies in the middle of the ceremony. Liv's cousin is the prime suspect, and her mama expects Liv and Di to solve the mystery. With problems back in Dixie and drama in Vegas, this book is full of action. The characters are wonderful as always, and the mystery was strong. This is one of my favorite cozy mystery series.

disclosure: I received these e-books through NetGalley but was not otherwise compensated for these reviews. All opinions are my own!
Friday, April 20, 2018
Frugal Friday
First of all I apologize again for the lack of posts lately. Last week W lost his job after 25 years. We were expecting it, but that did not change the fact that it threw us for a loop. We do not have as big a cushion in our emergency fund as before building the house. Still we will be okay for several months even if we do not bring in any money. Of course, we plan on bringing in money. At this point in time we plan to try to make it through various means. We plan for our hobby farm/homestead to bring in some income. W is going to expand his side business. I have some teaching jobs lined up and will also be opening an Etsy shop. I will share more about the Etsy shop once I have it up and running.
All of that being said - frugal has taken on a new meaning in our house. If we are able to do without something, we will. I have been spending time on the reward sites (Bing, Swagbucks, MyPoints) to earn gift cards for necessary purchases. I have been listing things on eBay as well.
We are expecting this year to be on the lean side financially. Rather than focusing on what we are doing without, we are looking at our blessings. We have no mortgage on our home. We have a full pantry and two full freezers. It is garden season, and we will soon have plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables to eat. Thanks to a neighbor finding a great deal on pet food a couple of months ago, we have at least a three month supply of pet food for everyone. We have no car payments, cell phone contracts, or satellite contract.
We prayed about everything that was going on with W's job and turned it completely over to God. Things do not always work out like we plan, but they always work out. I hope you will join me on this new adventure. I plan to be here more and share how we are thriving.
*In case anyone is too concerned, W does have a standing job offer in case our current plans to do work out. He just needs a break from punching a time clock after the past few months of stress.
All of that being said - frugal has taken on a new meaning in our house. If we are able to do without something, we will. I have been spending time on the reward sites (Bing, Swagbucks, MyPoints) to earn gift cards for necessary purchases. I have been listing things on eBay as well.
We are expecting this year to be on the lean side financially. Rather than focusing on what we are doing without, we are looking at our blessings. We have no mortgage on our home. We have a full pantry and two full freezers. It is garden season, and we will soon have plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables to eat. Thanks to a neighbor finding a great deal on pet food a couple of months ago, we have at least a three month supply of pet food for everyone. We have no car payments, cell phone contracts, or satellite contract.
We prayed about everything that was going on with W's job and turned it completely over to God. Things do not always work out like we plan, but they always work out. I hope you will join me on this new adventure. I plan to be here more and share how we are thriving.
*In case anyone is too concerned, W does have a standing job offer in case our current plans to do work out. He just needs a break from punching a time clock after the past few months of stress.
Sunday, April 15, 2018
Weekend Book Reviews

disclosure: I received these e-books through NetGalley but was not otherwise compensated for these reviews. All opinions are my own!
Monday, April 9, 2018
Weekly Goals Update: Week 14
1. Disaster Preparedness
Week 14 is mental preparedness. I do not spend piles of time thinking about disasters. I do think I handle emergencies pretty well. Perhaps it is due to my time as a volunteer fire fighter. I pretty much did nothing in regard to this.
2. Makeover the Garden
W finished building two more raised beds and one divided herb bed. I filled one bed and moved a small one to another area of the garden. I neglected to harden off my hot pepper plants before planting them, and they all died. I planted seed directly in the garden. I also planted gifted pepper, tomato, and eggplant plants. I filled the first herb bed and also planted herb seeds in other areas of the garden.
3. Organize Recipes
I am saving this one for when the weather gets hot or winter returns.
4. Have 13 No Spend Grocery Weeks
This did not happen last week, but I am aiming for one this week or next.
5. Focus on Saving
I am trying to get back to super saving mode starting this week. My focus for the remainder of April will be on making do with what we have. I am also spending a bit of time each day working to earn gift cards to purchase needed items.
6. Have Fun
This past week my fun was definitely working in the garden. I love going out each day and checking on the plants.
Week 14 is mental preparedness. I do not spend piles of time thinking about disasters. I do think I handle emergencies pretty well. Perhaps it is due to my time as a volunteer fire fighter. I pretty much did nothing in regard to this.
2. Makeover the Garden
W finished building two more raised beds and one divided herb bed. I filled one bed and moved a small one to another area of the garden. I neglected to harden off my hot pepper plants before planting them, and they all died. I planted seed directly in the garden. I also planted gifted pepper, tomato, and eggplant plants. I filled the first herb bed and also planted herb seeds in other areas of the garden.
3. Organize Recipes
I am saving this one for when the weather gets hot or winter returns.
4. Have 13 No Spend Grocery Weeks
This did not happen last week, but I am aiming for one this week or next.
5. Focus on Saving
I am trying to get back to super saving mode starting this week. My focus for the remainder of April will be on making do with what we have. I am also spending a bit of time each day working to earn gift cards to purchase needed items.
6. Have Fun
This past week my fun was definitely working in the garden. I love going out each day and checking on the plants.
Sunday, April 8, 2018
Weekend Book Reviews

disclosure: I received these e-books through NetGalley but was not otherwise compensated for these reviews. All opinions are my own!
Saturday, April 7, 2018
Weekend Book Reviews

disclosure: I received these e-books through NetGalley but was not otherwise compensated for these reviews. All opinions are my own!
Friday, April 6, 2018
Frugal Friday
1. I planted pepper seeds directly in the garden rather than buy plants after my hot pepper seedlings bit the dust. I have a long growing season and should be fine. I am babying the other pepper seedlings a bit more in hopes they survive. I was gifted a few tomato, pepper, and eggplant plants which I planted in one of my new raised beds.
2. I canceled my CBS All Access subscription since the basketball tournament is over. It was worth the $6 to watch the Duke Blue Devils play for as long as they lasted. I saw nothing that would make me want to pay the $6 each month though. I can still watch for a couple more weeks. Canceling early means that I will not forget and get charged again.
3. The weather warmed up enough that I was able to open the windows for a couple of days. I hope soon to be able to cut off the heat/air for several weeks. Until then I will take the day or two that I can get.
4. I did my best to use up all of the leftovers this week. I generally cook a main meal at dinner (lunch), and then we eat the leftovers the following evening. This way we are not eating the same thing twice in a row which is W's only complaint about leftovers.
5. I borrowed a few free magazine issues from Amazon. I also signed up for a couple of free subscriptions through Reward Survey. I like magazines, but they are not necessarily in the budget. I do my best to find alternatives.
2. I canceled my CBS All Access subscription since the basketball tournament is over. It was worth the $6 to watch the Duke Blue Devils play for as long as they lasted. I saw nothing that would make me want to pay the $6 each month though. I can still watch for a couple more weeks. Canceling early means that I will not forget and get charged again.
3. The weather warmed up enough that I was able to open the windows for a couple of days. I hope soon to be able to cut off the heat/air for several weeks. Until then I will take the day or two that I can get.
4. I did my best to use up all of the leftovers this week. I generally cook a main meal at dinner (lunch), and then we eat the leftovers the following evening. This way we are not eating the same thing twice in a row which is W's only complaint about leftovers.
5. I borrowed a few free magazine issues from Amazon. I also signed up for a couple of free subscriptions through Reward Survey. I like magazines, but they are not necessarily in the budget. I do my best to find alternatives.
Thursday, April 5, 2018
Weekly Goals Update: Week 13
I expected this to only be a day late due to my spending way too much time in the garden, but I was sidelined for a few days with a migraine. One day I will get back on track!
1. Disaster Preparedness
Week 13 was spiritual preparedness. I spent some time thinking about my beliefs which happen to be founded in Christianity. One thing I think is most important is to be thankful for and content with what I have. Others will always have more but at the same time others will always have less. If you are religious, practice your faith. If you are not, look for ways to find peace be it meditation or quiet time.
2. Makeover the Garden
I spent week 13 cleaning out a couple of raised beds to prepare them for planting. Between the cold weather a couple of days and getting ready for Easter, I did not get much done in the garden.
3. Organize Recipes
I went through Pinterest and deleted a few more recipes that I was no longer interested in trying. Am I the only one who will look at a recipe one time and think it will be the greatest thing ever only to look at it later and wonder why I thought that would be good? I find that I do that with magazines too.
4. Have 13 No Spend Grocery Weeks
It did not happen in week 13 but I am aiming to skip the grocery stores one week in April!
5. Focus on Saving
I am stuck on lowering our electric bill. I have a confession to make. Up until our new house I never had central heat/air. Our 120+ year old former home had no insulation and was heated with a wood heater. I was always cold. I thought when we moved I would be the one to keep the temperature warmer. Instead W is the one who is trying to make the house warmer. Fortunately the house holds its temperature well, but I am still not the one who is cold. April and May should mean we rarely use the heat or air. I like being able to monitor our daily electricity usage and love seeing it below 20kwh a day.
6. Have Fun
I did spend some time last week just sitting in the garden reading or writing letters while Toby played. He loves running around the garden or digging in one of the unused beds. He is content and so am I. Plus it allows W to sleep in a bit since the house is quiet.
1. Disaster Preparedness
Week 13 was spiritual preparedness. I spent some time thinking about my beliefs which happen to be founded in Christianity. One thing I think is most important is to be thankful for and content with what I have. Others will always have more but at the same time others will always have less. If you are religious, practice your faith. If you are not, look for ways to find peace be it meditation or quiet time.
2. Makeover the Garden
I spent week 13 cleaning out a couple of raised beds to prepare them for planting. Between the cold weather a couple of days and getting ready for Easter, I did not get much done in the garden.
3. Organize Recipes
I went through Pinterest and deleted a few more recipes that I was no longer interested in trying. Am I the only one who will look at a recipe one time and think it will be the greatest thing ever only to look at it later and wonder why I thought that would be good? I find that I do that with magazines too.
4. Have 13 No Spend Grocery Weeks
It did not happen in week 13 but I am aiming to skip the grocery stores one week in April!
5. Focus on Saving
I am stuck on lowering our electric bill. I have a confession to make. Up until our new house I never had central heat/air. Our 120+ year old former home had no insulation and was heated with a wood heater. I was always cold. I thought when we moved I would be the one to keep the temperature warmer. Instead W is the one who is trying to make the house warmer. Fortunately the house holds its temperature well, but I am still not the one who is cold. April and May should mean we rarely use the heat or air. I like being able to monitor our daily electricity usage and love seeing it below 20kwh a day.
6. Have Fun
I did spend some time last week just sitting in the garden reading or writing letters while Toby played. He loves running around the garden or digging in one of the unused beds. He is content and so am I. Plus it allows W to sleep in a bit since the house is quiet.
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