Monday, February 15, 2010


Snow is a rarity here in the deep south. We see a few flakes from time to time. However on Friday the 12th a few flakes turned into a bunch of flakes that actually stuck. It snowed much of the afternoon and early part of the night. We ended up with just over an inch. Saturday morning the cats were not sure what to think of the white ground. Paris decided after seeing me walk on it that she could safely go out in it too. She had a blast in the snow.

Older sister Lucy was not so happy. She followed in my footsteps before making a mad dash to the table on the deck. She promptly found the un-iced portion and walked in circles. After Paris scared her she ran at full speed back into the house.

Sago palms and snow do not normally appear in the same picture.

The deck Friday night and Saturday morning

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