Monday, April 28, 2008

Rainy Monday

No pictures today as everything is too wet. That is a good thing as my flowers and the garden needed some rain. I did dash out in the drizzle to peek at the garden. I was thrilled to see the carrots sprouting and the cucumbers completely up. It is amazing what can happen to seeds overnight. I am off to catch up on some household chores and maybe to read some other blogs during my breaks. Chores seem to be neverending, but I am happy to stay busy!

1 comment:

Rhonda said...

chores do seem to be never-ending, don't they? But I like being a homemaker so I do as much as I can but the undone things can almost always wait till tomorrow.

I planted some vegetable plants already but I have some seeds on hand. And you have inspired me to get those radish seeds planted.