Tuesday, January 2, 2018

January Pantry Challenge

Jessica over at Good Cheap Eats is hosting a pantry challenge.  I love that she does not have any hard, fast rules to follow.  Participants are encouraged to set their own goals.  I am doing just that.

Here are my three goals for this pantry challenge

1.  Use up some odd and end items that are overtaking the pantry - I have one aunt who has a major shopping problem.  She loves getting a good deal.  If she asks if you want two of an item and you say yes, you will receive at least 5.  I am saying 'NO' to all of her offers and using up the stuff we have. 

2. Add some homemade meals to the freezer - With the hectic holidays I used up all of my homemade frozen convenience meals.  I want to restock this section of the freezer.  I also want to get back in the habit of doing some freezer cooking in advance of spring when I spend most of my time in the yard.  

3. Spend no more than $150 this month on groceries - I am not doing a complete no spend month.  I have some holes in the pantry that need filling.  I know I will need to purchase items for W's lunch and will need milk for him.  I expect that I will need some ingredients to go with items on hand to complete certain recipes.

That covers my goals.  Are you planning a pantry challenge to start off 2018?  Do you make specific goals or just try not to buy anything?

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