Saturday, January 15, 2011

Inexpensive Date Night

My menu plan went out the window this week as cold weather set in and I was asked to work at a local technical college. Thanks to the crazy schedules my husband and I barely saw each other. I was determined we would have dinner and a movie last night. I also wanted to do it on a budget.

Each pay period I purchase two used DVDs from our list of movies we want to see. I can usually find them at a better deal than renting especially since we would need to drive about 30 minutes into town one way to rent a movie. This week's movie was Killers, which was better than we expected.

The meal was the steak dinner from the menu plan. I estimated it cost us $6.50 for both of us. Here is the breakdown:
salads from half a bag of salad mix - $1
twice baked potatoes using two potatoes and a bit of cheese - $1.50
New York strip steaks (from freezer) - $4
homemade crescent rolls (from freezer & leftover from the holidays) - $0

It was a nice evening at home. I am hoping to plan a special meal each Friday night and make this a regular event. If we had gone out, the cost would obviously have been much higher. I expect see a new release movie in the theater would have cost $24 (no snacks), and the meal would have been at least $30 for the pair of us. That would fund a month's worth of date nights at home.

1 comment:

Susan in SC said...

What a great date night you had! I love it when a special evening can be had at home at a fraction of the cost! Good job!!