Sunday, January 26, 2014

Weekly Frugal Accomplishments

It was a quiet week here, but I did do a few frugal things.  Here are the highlights:

Meals this week were mainly from the freezer and pantry.  We did eat leftovers one day so there was no food waste.  I picked tomato and peppers from the greenhouse to put on a pizza.

I planted tomato and pepper seeds using seeds I had saved last season.  I only purchased jalapeno and eggplant seeds.  I transplanted 4 tomato (probably yellow pear) that sprouted on their own.  I also transplanted a pot of thyme grown from seeds into a larger pot. 

My only grocery shopping was milk, and my mom picked that up for me as she was going by the grocery store.  I did not go to town at all. 

All of the laundry was hung on the line to dry with the exception of Leo's bed.  I used homemade laundry detergent and vinegar for fabric softener. 

Baked cookies for W's lunch using a cheap purchased mix.  I am trying to use up all of the not so healthy convenience foods.  He is also eating grapefruit from last week's purchased bag.

The rabbits ate the last of the lettuce from the garden, kale from the garden, and clover from the yard.  They enjoy the variety and prefer it to purchased greens. 


Theresa said...

Love reading all the ways people save money. Thanks for posting.

Susan in SC said...

You were thrifty! Good job! I was not so thrifty this past week.

terricheney said...

John called to tell me I might want to go to town if I needed anything with the incoming weather. I said I was only out of potatoes and carrots and I guessed we'd survive not having those. It's looking like ice for you and accumulated snow for us. We'll see...