Monday, March 9, 2020

Goals Update Week 10

1.  Save All of Our Change for the Year

I added a few coins to the jar.  I also rounded up all of our credit card purchases to put a bit extra toward the credit card bill

2.  Plan Ahead for My Business

This past week was spent on orders and a few small items that can be sold at the farmer's market later this month.  Until then I will put them in my shop booth.  Unless something dramatic happens in the next two weeks, I will be leaving the shop.  I will put focus on Etsy and local farmer's markets/festivals where I am actually selling some things. 

3  Use the Dehydrator More

We had so much rain this past week that I gave up on even trying to get out to the building where the dehydrator is.  I moved the peach fruit leather to this week. 

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