Friday, July 20, 2012

Drying Herbs

Sorry for the lack of posts I have been a bit under the weather.  During my spurts of energy, I tried to get some yard work and housework done.  Meals the past two days were sandwiches, leftovers, and soup (for me).  Today I am planning to serve pork and beans (homemade from the freezer) with hot dogs and au gratin potatoes (simple dish of potatoes and cream).  I also need to bake another birthday cake which means W will have cupcakes in his lunch again this weekend. 
Now for the main topic of the post - drying herbs.  I have an abundance of oregano in my herb garden.  I decided it was just plain silly to buy dried oregano when I could make my own.  This picture was taken after I had cut it.  I can foresee the chickens snacking on oregano next week.

I washed it several times and then spun it in the salad spinner.  I spread it out over five trays in the my dehydrator.  I actually had more than would fit the first time.  I ended up doing a second batch that was part oregano and part sage.

It took about an hour in my dehydrator to get it good and dry.  Once dry I crumbled it over a piece of waxed paper to make it easier to transfer to a jar.

Here is the sage in my herb garden.  It is under control.  I did not dry as much of it as I do not use as much in my cooking compared to the oregano.

Next week I plan to dry some catnip for Lucy and Paris.  In the picture you will notice the wire cage we had to put over the plants to protect them.  Otherwise the cats will eat/squish the entire plant.

Yesterday I also planted several more varieties of herbs.  I have plenty of time left in the growing season for those to get big enough to dry.  I am looking forward to drying my own herbs rather than buying them.  It takes a bit of time, but it is a money saver in the long term.

1 comment:

Helena said...

I don't know if you know this, but in case you don't, you can freeze herbs in ice cubes. That way when you defrost a cube, the herb is almost as good as fresh and of course a slightly different taste to that of dry herbs. If you make soups/casseroles you can drop the ice cubes in without defrosting. If you do it with mint you can drop the whole cube in your drink.