Monday, October 30, 2017

Weekly Goals Update: Week 44

1.  Completely Finish New House & Update Property
W have put down a fair amount of molding.  We still need to finish the kitchen and back bathroom, but the hallway and living room are done.

W put up the door to the laundry room, and we picked up the door for the pantry.  I am hoping we get more molding put up this week.  I also want to start painting the aquarium cabinet.  Honestly just having most of the molding in makes the rooms look finished.  

Wondering why we are still doing finish work a year after moving in?  W was burnt out.  It is so much work to build a house rather than have one built.  He simply needed a break.

2.  Plan Ahead for Birthday and Holiday Gifts
I am done with birthday gifts for this year.  I have started on my handmade gifts and plan to have them done by Thanksgiving.  I will finish my holiday shopping by the end of November if all goes as planned.  I try to avoid stores in December.

3.  Use the Garden to Be More Self-Sufficient
The cooler weather has given my pepper plants a bit of a boost.  The greens seed we sowed have sprouted.  I know the rabbits and chickens are looking forward to those.  I planted more artichoke seeds.  I am hanging on to all of the summer garden plants until a frost kills them.  Sometime in the next couple of weeks we need to recover the greenhouse with plastic.  I will move my fruit trees into there to protect them during the winter months.

4.  Take One Class a Month
Can I just say that I was completely lazy over the past couple of weeks?  I do not know what got into me.  I have a bunch going on this week, and I am not sure that I will get anything done on this goal.

5.  Pack Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes on a Budget
My youth have been a bit scattered over the past two weeks.  We still have time to get the boxes packed the first couple of weekend in November.  I still feel on track with this one.

6.  Boost Savings
I have more money to add to our fence fund.  We were a bit spendy but on necessary things.  I took Tucker and Libby to the low cost clinic to be fixed and get rabies shots.  It cost $80 to get both of them fixed and have rabies vaccinations.  I was happy to spend that money as it was cheaper than at our local vet, and it will keep them happy and healthy.  We also had our gas tankless water heater serviced.  This annual maintenance will save money in the long run.  I can see next year that I will need to add in more small funds to cover these extras.  

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