I suppose everyone should know (if you do not already) that I am a Southern gal. Biscuits are a Southern tradition so one would think a Southern gal could make them. That is not always the case and certainly is not when the Southern gal is me. I can make yeast breads all day long. My biscuits are described by my husband as "hockey pucks". I would be offended if he were not merely giving an accurate description.
That is one reason I put off this challenge. I did not know at the time that other things would come up at the end of the month. All things combined I found myself well past the reveal date and the biscuits still not attempted. The ingredients and steps were simple enough. I mixed the dough, rolled it out a bit, and cut it into pieces. I put it in the oven all the while expecting more hockey pucks.
What did I get????
I got actual fluffy biscuits! I do not know who was more surprised - me or my husband. If this is what I got from a first try of the recipe, I will certainly make them again. I might actually be able to hold onto my title of Southern gal after all. Thank you, Audax, for a wonderful challenge!