Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year and a Big Goal

Remember Me? It has been a long time since my last post. I thought I should start off the new year with a post. My goal should probably be to post more this year. Instead I have a bigger goal with big plans for the future.

My dear husband and I have been saving to building a house without a mortgage. I will pause here as thoughts of how impossible that is go through your head. We are determined to do it though. Anyway...we have a savings goal for step one. We are $8,000 shy of that amount. My goal this year is to save $8,000. This year I will focus on cutting spending and finding little ways to add to our savings and reach our step one goal.

I will post my progress and share the little things I am doing to save. I know it will mean making some sacrifices. I think it is important to look at the long term goal rather than focusing only on the moment.

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