Thursday, January 21, 2016

Debt Free Choice - Gifts

As we look to decrease our debt, W and I discussed gift giving.  For Christmas the plan is to make gifts to give to everyone.  I have some ideas lined up for gifts and will work on those throughout the year.  We made the choice for birthdays to give only birthday wishes.  I know this is probably not a popular way to save money.  If anyone in our family needed anything, I might feel differently.  All of the children already have too much stuff.   This choice is not meant to be selfish or cruel.  Getting out of debt requires making choices that are not always fun or easy.

How do you handle gift giving on a tight budget?  What are some of your best handmade gift ideas or are you totally against handmade gifts?

1 comment:

terricheney said...

Now that we're counting almost ten grandchildren, we made the choice to seriously consider our gifting. We opted to give a family gift to each and then we stopped giving a gift but a $5 bill to each grandchild old enough to have money (about 3 we think) with a card from Grampa and Gramma. It was not a fun choice on our parts but very necessary. As John pointed out at least two of our family are just starting their families and so we're bound to watch the family grown while our income remains the same or decreases. We are fully aware there may be a day when we can't do much for a family gift either and we'll decrease our gifting monies again.