Monday, January 4, 2016

Weekly Savings

I was late posting last week's savings so this is a short list.

W picked some lemons from a neighbor's trees.  I actually think these are a cross between a lemon and maybe a grapefruit as they have an unusual look.  I had to wait for some to ripen further.  The ones that were ripe got zested prior to being juiced.  I put the juice in a bottle in the fridge and the zest I dried on a piece of waxed paper.

I did some freezer cooking.  I made a big pot of Brunswick Stew and divided it up into meal sized portions.  I also made whole wheat tortillas.  Having some quick meal options on hand is a time and a money saver.

We had snacks after a sing at church.  I used items on hand to make hot dog slices in a pineapple barbecue sauce, banana chocolate chip cookies, and strawberry lemonade.

I made my Swagbucks goal every day for the month of December.  The gift cards earned will go toward a faucet for the new house.

I crocheted some hairbows for the Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes using yarn scraps.

I picked a tomato from the greenhouse.

I was gifted some beeswax which just needed to be processed.

I ate three meals of homemade frozen dinners.  Breakfast was pancakes.  Dinner was rice and gravy, roast, and peas.  Supper was nachos using a bit of frozen taco meat.

1 comment:

Mantelilaakson Susanna said...

I love lemons!!!
I have one tree in my garden too, but only five fruits now!!
Happy New Year!