Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Garden Update

It has been several weeks since I have done a garden update.  In that time we have gotten a bunch of rain which means I had to do a bunch of weeding.  The bee garden is slowly filling in.  I have some more flower seeds to plant to hopefully keep it blooming through the fall.

I have quite a few cantaloupe growing.  I hope they will hold long enough to ripen.

The herbs are growing well.  

Soon we will be eating plenty of blueberry tomatoes.

A pretty pollinator visiting the garden.

I have a good crop of peppers growing this year.

The bay laurel is already putting on new growth.

The passion fruit plant is growing really well.  I added tomato cages to give it something to climb.

The summer heat has finally arrived here.  The garden will need a little extra care.  Hopefully we will continue to get some rain.  How are things in your garden?

1 comment:

terricheney said...

WHERE did you get the bay laurel? Please be sure and share it with me if it was a retail source. I have ordered them before and they were not delivered. I very much would like to have my own bay tree!